💻 Leaving IT And Future Of This Blog

First Published: 2025-03-11

🔗 Low Activity

As you may have noticed, the frequency of posts on this blog has decreased from about two a month to almost radio silence. Out of sheer laziness, I still have not built out the kitchen, almost half a year into this new apartment, so that doesn't leave much opportunity to blog about new recipes. In terms of lifestyle, everything has already been said and I wouldn't want to repeat myself or just put out status updates about my mood or whatever. The tech category, which used to be the majority of posts, has been kind of obsoleted due to dwindling interest on my part, let me elaborate.

🔗 Early IT

Going into IT, I knew from high school that I did not want to become a programmer. I couldn't stand Java or object oriented programming, and to this day after having OOP explained by three different professors over the course of my academic career I still can't fathom why it's the dominant paradigm in software development. So instead after a brief attempt at studying mathematics, which I'm definitely too stupid for, I focused on IT Administration since I did a lot of linux tinkering at the time. That tinkering continued throughout my time in college, with lisp and emacs being notable areas I focused on and enjoyed.

🔗 First IT Job

I finished my bachelors degree in computer science and got that first IT job. But despite the great working conditions and at least decent pay I was not fulfilled by my work since it was utterly boring and pointless at best. Perhaps that apathy was what lead me to give ever decreasing efforts at my job, leading to my eventual termination. Right now I'm unemployed, it's been almost a month now, it's still pretty nice but I can already see it getting very boring soon. So probably no tech posts to come, maybe a product review here or there if I feel like it. If you subscribed to my rss feed for only those posts you may as well remove it from your list.

🔗 Future of this Blog

Since this blog is hosted on github pages, it doesn't cost anything for me to keep around. The domain itself is paid for until April 5 2026, but even after that point I'll likely renew it or at least make an announcement with the free github pages domain it moves to for archival. The anime and retro-gaming lists will still continue to receive updates for the foreseeable future, as I look at those quite often myself. Some opportunities for lifestyle posts will likely come as I try out different jobs and internships.

🔗 Career Prospects

At the end of this month I'll have a nursing internship at an elderly care home. Nursing is definitely Plan A right now. Plan B, given my affinity to endurance exercise, would be joining the German Military. If neither of those work out I can just job-hop in the so called low-skilled labour market or whatever. I think I'm not alone among my generation in my belief that the 40 year career isn't a real thing anymore. "Grinding" also doesn't really make sense when no one can afford a house or kids. As my fellow zoomers, I'll just make the best of it.